
2023-06-07 富美财经 浏览量:

Npj Comput. Mater.: 二维过渡金属单卤化物—超导和拓扑态


Npj Comput. Mater.: 二维过渡金属单卤化物—超导和拓扑态

Fig. 1 Atomic and electronic structures.

来自中国科学院物理研究所的杜世萱教授团队与美国犹他大学的刘锋教授合作,通过第一性原理计算预言了一类具有丰富超导和拓扑性质的二维范德华材料:过渡金属单卤化物MXM = Zr, Mo; X = F, Cl)。

Npj Comput. Mater.: 二维过渡金属单卤化物—超导和拓扑态

Fig. 2 Phonon properties and EPC.

他们的研究表明,MX家族由声学支软模导致较强的电声耦合和Tc(5.9-12.4 K),而这些声子软模来源于费米面嵌套或潜在晶格不稳定性。MX家族费米面构成的差异使得其呈现出单超导能隙或双超导能隙特征。

Npj Comput. Mater.: 二维过渡金属单卤化物—超导和拓扑态

Fig. 3 Superconducting properties.

此外,MX家族都具有非平庸的电子拓扑不变量Z2 = 1,且MoF 和MoCl为拓扑超导体的候选材料。ZrCl和MoCl在布里渊区边界存在二维狄拉克声子,相应的声子边界态呈现出特殊的w型色散,表明在一维锯齿形纳米带中存在潜在的边界增强电声耦合。

Npj Comput. Mater.: 二维过渡金属单卤化物—超导和拓扑态

Fig. 4 Unveiling the EPC mechanisms.


Npj Comput. Mater.: 二维过渡金属单卤化物—超导和拓扑态

Fig. 5 Electronic and phononic topology in 2D MX.

该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 8,185(2023),英文标题与摘要如下,点击https://www.nature.com/articles/s41524-022-00871-y可以自由获取论文PDF。

Superconductivity and topological aspects of two-dimensional

transition-metal monohalides

Wen-Han Dong, Yu-Yang Zhang, Yan-Fang Zhang, Jia-Tao Sun, Feng Liu & Shixuan Du

Two-dimensional (2D) superconducting states have attracted much recent interest, especially when they coexist with nontrivial band topology which affords a promising approach towards Majorana fermions. Using first-principles calculations, we predict van der Waals monolayered transition-metal monohalides MX (M = Zr, Mo; X = F, Cl) as a class of 2D superconductors with remarkable transition temperature (5.9–12.4 K). Anisotropic Migdal-Eliashberg theory reveals that ZrCl have a single superconducting gap Δ ~ 2.14 meV, while MoCl is a two-gap superconductor with Δ ~ 1.96 and 1.37 meV. The Z2 band topology of 2D MX is further demonstrated that MoF and MoCl are candidates for realizing topological superconductivity. Moreover, the Dirac phonons of ZrCl and MoCl contribute w-shape phononic edge states, which are potential for an edge-enhanced electron-phonon coupling. These findings demonstrate that 2D MX offers an attractive platform for exploring the interplay between superconductivity, nontrivial electronic and phononic topology.
