
2023-04-26 富美财经 浏览量:




抵押贷款买家房地美周四报告称,30 年期房屋贷款的平均利率从上周的 2.98% 降至 2.90%。相比之下,一年前的利率为 3.03%。

15 年期贷款利率从上周的 2.26% 降至 2.20%,这是房主为抵押贷款再融资的一种流行选择。房地美经济学家预计,下半年经济增长将逐步推高抵押贷款利率。

几个月来,债券市场一直在暗示经济复苏的担忧,特别是它可能已经见顶,现在正趋于平稳。房屋贷款利率倾向于追踪 10 年期美国国债收益率的变动——当债券价格下跌时,该收益率会上升。最近几周,随着交易员将资金转移到债券上,基准收益率一直在稳步下降。在 3 月底交易价格高达 1.74% 之后,周四中午左右报价为 1.30%。


上周政府公布的 6 月份就业市场报告显示,在令人鼓舞的招聘激增中,美国雇主增加了 850,000 个工作岗位。这远高于前三个月的平均水平,表明公司可能更容易找到足够的工人来填补空缺职位。但劳工部周四报告称,上周寻求失业救济的美国人人数比前一周增加了 2,000 人,达到 373,000 人。


WASHINGTON -- Mortgage rates continued to fall this week, tracking a decline in yields on Treasury securities as the bond market continues to signal concerns over the strength of the recovery from the pandemic recession.

Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac reported Thursday that the average for the 30-year home loan eased to 2.90% from 2.98% last week. By contrast, the rate stood at 3.03% a year ago.

The rate for a 15-year loan, a popular option among homeowners refinancing their mortgages, fell to 2.20% from 2.26% last week. Freddie Mac economists expect economic growth to gradually push mortgage rates higher in the second half of the year.

The bond market has been signaling the economic recovery concerns for months, specifically that it may have peaked and is now leveling off to a steadier pace. Home loan rates tend to track moves of the yield on the 10-year Treasury note — which rises when bond prices fall. The benchmark yield has been falling steadily in recent weeks as traders shift money into bonds. It was quoted at 1.30% around midday Thursday, after trading as high as 1.74% at the end of March.

The market concerns also spilled into stocks, which were broadly lower Thursday as investor caution set in after the market hit a series of record highs last week.

Last week’s government report on the job market in June showed that in an encouraging burst of hiring, U.S. employers added 850,000 jobs. That was well above the average of the previous three months and a sign that companies may be having an easier time finding enough workers to fill open jobs. But the Labor Department reported Thursday that the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits rose last week by 2,000 from the previous week to 373,000.
