
2023-04-28 富美财经 浏览量:





I believe that if the United States does not allow Boeing to sell aircraft to China, Airbus in Europe will be very happy, and even Russia will be very happy.


At present, only four countries in the world can "independently" manufacture civilian passenger aircraft:



1. United States (large civil aircraft with over 150 passengers, medium civil aircraft with over 50 passengers, and small civil aircraft)



2. Airbus in Europe (large civil aircraft with over 150 passengers, medium civil aircraft with over 50 passengers, and small civil aircraft)



3. Russia (large civilian aircraft with over 150 people, medium civilian aircraft with over 50 people, small civilian aircraft) can manufacture large aircraft, but Europe and the United States refuse to certify Russian aircraft, making it difficult for Russian aircraft to sell.

3、 俄罗斯(150人以上的大型民用客机,50人以上的中型民用客机,小型民用客机)俄罗斯可以制造大型飞机,但欧洲和美国拒绝认证俄罗斯飞机,这使得俄罗斯飞机很难出售。


4. China (medium civilian aircraft with over 50 passengers, small civilian aircraft)


If the United States does not allow Boeing to export civilian aircraft, European and Russian airlines will erode this market share and celebrate by opening champagne.


Some people say that Brazil and Canada can also produce, but my focus is on "independent manufacturing", which means that all components can be manufactured in this country. Countries that produce aircraft on the surface, such as Brazil and even Canada, import most of the components of these aircraft.


If the United States prohibits Boeing from exporting aircraft, they will actually also ban the export of components made in the United States. Therefore, it is meaningless for a country to have the ability to 'independently manufacture'.




When it comes to the foreign policy of the world's most powerful country, I am really tired of seeing such foolish suggestions.


Why don't we use nuclear weapons to attack China? Why don't we destroy China before it becomes too powerful


Democracy is beautiful and lovely, as is freedom of speech.


But ignorance is very dangerous. I am glad that in most democratic countries, 'legislators' usually do not listen to the opinions of the dumbest voters, otherwise it would be dangerous. If in China, their dumbest voters would have urged their elected leader to "nuclear strike" Japan long ago. Yes, every country in the world has such nationalist fools, and the United States and China are not the only ones.


You may have heard why Trump is angry about China. Why has George Bush been angry about the trade deficit between the two countries. Why has Obama repeatedly negotiated one agreement after another, allowing China to purchase more American goods to balance trade.


So you may not be aware that China and the United States have been engaged in a large amount of commodity trade.


The vast majority of your consumer goods are made in China, and your company pays Chinese companies to manufacture their designed phones, which are then shipped back to the United States.



In exchange, Chinese people purchased American products like this "luxury" Buick:


Fiat is the first foreign automaker to enter China. Later on, it was easily defeated by the Volkswagen Group, which became the number one automotive brand in China. Then, at the end of the 21st century, General Motors defeated Volkswagen to become China's largest automaker, and the Buick brand was welcomed by Volkswagen.



At some point in the early 2010s, General Motors' sales in China exceeded those in the United States.


General Motors' largest market: China


Although most of these trade agreements are unfair to the United States, overall they still benefit the United States. They are not stupid. Of course, it has stifled manufacturing jobs in the United States, but high paying research and design studios have been stimulated in the United States, while China can only engage in low-paid assembly line work. In the long run, this is not good for China, so measures must be taken. Of course, Trump's use of this shock therapy may be a good time to re-examine this trade agreement.


Similarly, in terms of aircraft, due to trade imbalance, the United States requires China to purchase more aircraft, and the US government, including Donald Trump, requires China to purchase Boeing. Chinese people have purchased too much Boeing, to the extent that factories in Seattle and Charleston are not large enough to meet demand. Boeing has decided to build a production line in China (Zhoushan, Zhejiang).


Chinese airlines have been purchasing any of Boeing's products in the market. What I mean is, outside of the United States and Europe, who would buy a large number of Boeing 757? Except for a few small countries, no one in Asia feels the need to own them, but I think Chinese people purchase them as part of a 'trade agreement', which is just a commercial calculation.



They even bought this rare Boeing 747SP:



Until this smallest ever Boeing 7x7:



China's purchase of Boeing aircraft is like a die-casting collector purchasing a model aircraft. Because of this rash purchase of aircraft, there may be many grateful Lenton or Everett assembly line workers who can continue to work.


When Trump reached an "agreement," it was China that saved the poor Republican vote, supported Trump's rural flyover states, and American farmers.


Not an American patriot waving the flag. Why? Because Chinese people can:


China has been purchasing US soybeans for three consecutive years


In addition to millions of tons of soybeans, they also purchase American pork, which some of America's closest allies had previously refused to purchase due to concerns about swine flu.


If the United States stops selling Boeing, Airbus will benefit from:


China will spend $35 billion to purchase hundreds of Airbus jet planes


Boeing needs this money very much because the 737MAX disaster has caused them considerable losses. When Obama lifted sanctions against Iran, something like this happened:


Iran announces the purchase of up to 100 Boeing aircraft worth billions of dollars


We should not create enemies for ourselves in selling modern necessities for commercial and safe and efficient air transportation.


You don't want a historic American company to go bankrupt, do you? Please remember that political arrogance will never bring good business.




Among all the major powers on Earth, China is the country that has suffered the least harm from economic and trade sanctions.


They already have civilian aircraft in development, but due to the economies of scale and depth of experience of companies such as Boeing and Airbus that they cannot compare, they are hindered. If they are rejected by Boeing, it is expected that their aircraft manufacturing industry will rise to another level. Once they do so, it is expected that they will weaken Boeing in the free market within a decade.


At the same time, they have the world's best high-speed train network and the ability to build it faster.


Such policies will lead American industry towards the end. The success of the United States has always been that as a leader in the high-tech field, it can sell products to the world in ways that the world cannot compete with. But if you insist on forcing China to compete, they will succeed.




We will discuss this issue later, but why is the collapse of the Chinese aviation market important to you?


Now, let's talk about your problem.


It is not the United States selling Boeing aircraft to China, but Boeing Company.


Now, the United States may take some legal/regulatory actions to prevent Boeing's sales behavior. After the ban occurs, Chinese airlines will immediately start purchasing aircraft from Airbus - of course, they have already purchased some, but they will still purchase more.


Then Boeing's stock price fell. Airbus stocks will rise.


China may also retaliate by prohibiting Boeing from flying to China. United Airlines has flown a large number of Boeing 777 on its routes to China. The company will have to start using Airbus 350 or stop flights to China completely.

中国也可能进行报复,禁止波音公司飞往中国。美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)在其中国航线上飞行了大量波音777,该公司将不得不开始使用空客350,或者完全停止飞往中国的航班。

The traffic volume between China and other Asian countries is very large, and currently many of the traffic is carried out on Boeing planes. If China does not allow it, all Asian airlines will switch to purchasing Airbus aircraft.


So I think the people in Toulouse are very supportive of your plan. It will not cause the collapse of China's aviation market, which may cause the collapse of the US aviation manufacturing market.




50% of China's commercial aircraft are Boeing, and almost 20% of the world's new commercial aircraft will be sold to China. In recent years, China has ordered 300 aircraft from Boeing, worth approximately $37 billion. Boeing may go bankrupt, but if it survives, it will be difficult to compete with Airbus. Thousands of people will be immediately laid off, followed by tens of thousands of layoffs from suppliers, suppliers, and businesses that rely on these workers. House prices in Washington will plummet (Trump has always said he enjoys economic recession because he can buy real estate cheaply). Perhaps you can sell the house to him at a price lower than the mortgage loan!!!! How honored! It may even bring another economic recession to the entire country!!!


If the United States continues to act in an ignorant manner, one of China's major threats is to stop purchasing Boeing. For decades, Trump has made it clear that he knows nothing about business, finance, debt, borrowing, and negotiation, and recently has also made it clear that he knows nothing about history, politics, constitution, honor, morality, integrity, and Christianity.

